Baptism Preparation
The sacrament of Baptism takes place on the 1st Saturday of every month at 12 o’clock.
We have a preparation night on the last Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm. At Preparation Night we talk with the parents about the responsibility attached to asking for baptism, as there are certain promises the parents will be making for their babies. It is also an opportunity to invite the parents to take some quiet time to consider their relationship with God and where He figures in their lives.
We take time to go through the different aspects of the Sacrament and explain the Symbols; the Sacrament of Baptism is full of symbolism. The parents are given a book called "Celebrating Baptism" and on the day of Baptism are presented with a Baptismal Remembrance Certificate.
In January on the Feast of Our Lord’s Baptism we invite all babies and their families who were baptized in the past year to join in the Family Mass on the Sunday at 12.30pm.
Baptism Preparation Team members are: Marie McDonnald, Noreen Delaney & Paddy Byrne
(Forms must be completed prior to attending preparation evenings. These are available from Freda in the Parish Office at Tel: 01 8160984 or from Mai in the Sacristy at Tel: 01 8160981)
Request for Baptism form
Mass Times
Saturday Evening Vigil:
Tuesday and Thursday
Service of Word with Communion :
Monday 10:00am
Live Stream Links:
~ St. Paul's Church,
~ Holy Trinity Church,
~ St. Monica's Church,
~ St. Benedict's Church,
Grange Park
~ Our Lady Mother of Divine Grace Church,
~ St. Brendan's Church,
~ Knock Shrine
Contact Us
Parish Office:
St. Paul's Church,
Dublin 13
Tel: 01 8160984
Office Email:
Sacristy Tel: 01-8160981
Parish Priest:
Fr. Declan Blake
Fr. Aaron Vinduska